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This is what I imagine Carpet Diem like-and no, it is not like my old Boss Mabel that seemed to have the OCs and mysteries revealed to Stan having 1, etc. I'm gonna follow the flow of the actual series this time and not use fan characters-and see how well I do.


[It shows the ending of Tourist Trapped when Stan goes into the secret room, then later pans up to the Mystery Shack in the morning saying "Many weeks later". Dipper and Mabel are eating breakfast, Dipper looking at 3]

[Mabel] You know, Dipper, I've always wondered what it is like to be you. You have all the smarts, you have the book.

[Dipper] If you are asking to body switch, stop asking me. It is not going to happen. According to my journal, it'd show me with your voice and all your personalities, and vice versa. It is very risky to switch bodies, because we'd have to hide from everyone so they don't notice the voices. We can't just act like each other.

[Mabel] Fine. But how do you know that journal is always accurate?

[Dipper] Are you saying whoever wrote this book just made this up? He was right about the gnomes, the truth-telling teeth, etc. etc.

[Mabel] I am not talking to you. [walks over to the vending machine, notices a code at the bottom.] 12563? [enters code, vending machine shows opening]

[Dipper] Woah...

[The two twins walk in and the machine closes]


[Dipper and Mabel walk in a room that looks nearly like Stan's room, but more modern and fancy]

[Dipper] Woah, what is this...I call dibs!

[Mabel] How do you know Stan doesn't own this? He owns the shack, he should know about this secret room...which seems suspicious about him...but still!

[Dipper] Rock paper scissors?

[Mabel] No. [Dipper jumps on her and begins tackling her] Ahh! Stop!

[Mabel landed on a small pebble which multiplies and covers the whole floor. They are all white but turn red]

[Mabel] Oh no. Dipper? What did you do?

[Dipper] I don't know!

[The twins scream as it flashes a red light]

[The two are then laying on the floor and get up]

[Dipper] [with Mabel's voice] Ugh. What happened. [scratches his head and notices he is wearing the pine hat] Why am I wearing Dipper's hat?

[Mabel] [with Dipper's voice] Why am I wearing a sweater...

[The two look at each other]

[Mabel] I'm in YOUR body?

[Dipper] I'm in YOUR body?

[The two run around in circles; shows montages of them nervous that they are switched bodies, like Dipper as Mabel in the mirror; Mabel as Dipper in the bathroom, feeling like she's about to puke disturbed at what's going on; running in circles again; hiding under the bed in the secret room; and finally back on the ground where they started]

[Dipper] This can not be happening...Mabel, I told you not to body switch us!

[Mabel] Oh, so now it's my fault? You tackled me on the ground and made me lay on the small pebble which STARTED THIS MESS!

[Dipper] But according to my book-give me my book.

[Mabel takes the book out of Dipper's body's vest and gives it to Dipper]

[Dipper] According to my book, [inspired by another fan body switching episode] if we don't switch back by sundown we get stuck in these bodies forever! We have to find a way to switch back!

[Mabel] I don't want to be you forever!

[Dipper] I don't want to be YOU forever!


[The door opens and Stan comes in]

[Stan] What's going on in here?

[The twins gulp as they cannot speak, as they have each other's voices too]

[Stan] You two lost your voices? Should I take you to a doctor?

[Dipper and Mabel] NO NO NO NO NO! [both run out]

[Stan] Well that was weird.

[in the dining room]

[Dipper] How are we supposed to ask Grunkle Stan what that room is in this condition?

[Mabel] You read my mind. Ha ha!

[Dipper] Urgh. I wish this sweater had somewhere to keep this book...

[Mabel] I can give you the sweater I wore when we were going through the whole height problems. But I warn you, I kept my gummy koala head in there...

[Commercial Break]

[Later, Dipper is reading 3 with Mabel's Little Dipper sweater on, and they are in the attic]

[Dipper] You can find more of those pebbles about a foot outside Gravity Falls-it'd take a bit of a journey to get there.

[Mabel] A foot outside Gravity Falls? Are you crazy?

[Dipper] Nah, I'm just messing with you. Its found somewhere in the forest in some kind of group, inbetween four trees.

[Mabel] Well what are you waiting for, let's go, doofus!

[The two walk downstairs and see the door to the secret room open and Soos, crawling on four legs, comes out, along with Waddles]

[Soos oinks like Waddles]

[Dipper and Mabel] Oh no.

[Waddles, with Soos' voice] Dudes, you gotta help me! For some reason I am a pig and my own self is acting like a pig!

[Mabel] You can not be serious! So now you two have switched bodies? I was thinking of hugging Waddles-

[Dipper] In that body? Woah ho, no thank you.

[Dipper imagines what it would look like as Mabel in his body hugging Waddles]

[Mabel] Ugh. Now us four are gonna have to journey to the forest.

[Dipper] I'll hold Waddles, only so I don't have to look at my own body holding him.

[Soos] But first, I'm gonna do something I've always wanted to do!

[Dipper] We'll do it on the way there.

[The four are in the city and Soos tells the others to stay behind, and he walks up to McGucket]

[Soos] I am just a human in a pig body! Please don't eat me!

[McGucket gets out a knife and fork] That's what they all say!]

[Soos runs back to the others]

[Dipper] You've ALWAYS wanted to do that?

[Soos] Yep.

[Dipper] NOW can we go to the forest?

[The four are in the forest, Soos and Waddles hide behind a rock when they get there so Dipper and Mabel can go first]

[Dipper] Are you ready for this?

[Mabel] Why wouldn't I? I am getting creeped out.

[The two walk onto the pebbles, and they glow red, but Waddles ends up running towards the switch]

[Mabel] WADDLES! NO!!!!

[They switch bodies]

[Dipper] Oink!

[Mabel] [in her own voice] I'm back to my own self now!]

[Soos] [in Dipper's voice] Oh no. No. No. NO!

[Mabel] Now I am the only one back to normal!

[Dipper] Don't worry, all we have to do are switch me and Waddles, then Waddles and Soos. It'll be a piece of-AHH!

[All the pebbles are gone]

[Dipper] Oh no! The pebbles are gone! Now we can't switch back!

[Mabel] This is a nightmare!

[Soos] Dudes! There's one pebble left! [attempts to point to the one about to roll down a hill!

[They all see it and Dipper holds Waddles and goes to the pebble, while Mabel takes a picture]

[Red flash of light]

[Dipper] Alright, I am finally back to normal. Now we just need to turn Waddles and Soos back, but we need more pebbles!

[Soos] Come on! Where are we going to find more pebbles?

[Dipper] This...

[Mabel] Can not...

[Soos] Be happening...

[Tree nearly falls down on Dipper and Mabel but they dodge it]


[Camera pans up to Mystery Shack]

[Dipper, Mabel, Soos, and Waddles are in the secret room]

[Dipper] How exactly are we supposed to turn Soos and Waddles back? There are like no more pebbles in Gravity Falls! My journal only says there are more outside the town! And there's no way we can get out of Gravity Falls!

[Mabel] Or can we?

[Dipper] What are you talking about?

[Mabel] Come on, Dipper, why can't we just use the golf cart?

[Dipper] Woah, Mabel, that's actually not a bad idea-but we can't fit us four all in there.

[Mabel] We can clone it with the copying machine!

[Dipper] Wait, are you saying we should bring the golf cart inside the Mystery Shack, upstairs to Stan's office, and on top of the copier?

[Mabel] I guess so.

[Camera shows the door of the Mystery Shack crashed through in the shape of the golf cart. Two golf carts crash through the wall]

[Dipper] How are we supposed to tell Stan what just happened to the walls?

[Mabel shrugs]

[Dipper gets 3 out] One pebble is found right near the entrance to Mt. Hood! So let's get going!

[The two golf carts drive through town, soon chased by a police, and reach a sign that says "Welcome to Mt. Hood"]

[Dipper] Here we are!

[The golf carts stop and they bring Soos and Waddles to the body swap]

[Dipper] STAY BACK!!

[Powering up sound, red flash]

[Soos and Waddles are back in their normal bodies]

[Blubs] Better got a darn good explanation to this!

[Dipper and Mabel look at each other nervously and ride the golf carts back to Mystery Shack, crashing into the wall again and getting out, hiding in the secret room]

[Dipper] So Grunkle Stan, what is this room?

[Stan] It's a room I hide in to get away from the police on police chases. Why are you in here?

[Mabel] Same reason.

[Dipper] Body swap, long story. First time this summer we've been outside Gravity Falls.

[Stan] Outside Gravity Falls? You two kids are grounded for a month! I've been wondering what those golf-cart shaped crashes were...

[The police drive away, and the camera pans away from the shack]


[Gompers takes a walk in the woods and bumps into Dipper]

[Dipper] Ugh. Stupid goat. The one who ate our cans. Now shoo! [steps on a pebble by mistake, red flash]

[Shows Mystery Shack]

[Gompers the Goat walks in]

[Mabel] Hey, friend!

[Gompers] [with Dipper's voice] What?

[Mabel] AHH! [passes out]

[Gompers] What? What is it?


Author's Ask[]

Finally finished the episode! Hope you guys liked it!
