Gravity Falls Wiki
Gravity Falls Wiki

Mincanta7 Mincanta7 10 March 2015

Glass Shard Beach

I don't know if everyone already noticed this, so sorry if you already knew:

A few months ago, while my friend and I were working on our replica Journal 3, we noticed that The Tooth page said something about how the author loved the Gravity Falls Lake because it reminded him of his childhood and Glass Shard Beach. At the time, I thought it was just some weird filler text (since that is common in this show), but now believe it may be important.In "Not what He seems",  a book is seen on Stan's shelf labeed as Glass Shard High Yearbook, or something like that. This would lead me to believe that Stan (if that even is his name) and the Author grew up on Glass shard Beach. Again, I'm sorry if you already knew this, but I didn't see anyone refer t…

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Mincanta7 Mincanta7 30 January 2015


I don't know if anyone else can relate to this, but I can't wait any longer for the new episode! It has been such a long time since we last got a new episode, and it's killing me! I'm just worried that it might end up being some Dipcifica thing. That would be horrible. 

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