To begin with, I learned about this animated series only recently, struck in Google “the best animated series of all time” and one of them was “Gravity Falls”. Urgently set about watching. Somewhere in a couple of days I reviewed all the series. And what to say? It was cool! Especially for me because i always so busy with my work. I'm actually writer and editor at MeowEssay writing service. And now i'm so glad that i find this amazing cartoon. Because after tones of paper work i really need something like this.
From the first train of the series, I seemed to plunge into the world of Gravity Falls. The characters are bright, good humor + a lot of secrets and mysteries. Alex Hirsch created a wonderful series and I am very glad that they did not extend it, because as we know, now there are many series that are absolutely shamelessly prolonging, squeezing from them something that is simply not there (The Simpsons, Family Guy, South Park, etc.) . I am very glad that the creators had the courage to close the animated series on time just at the peak of fame.
Separately, I want to talk about Bill Cipher. This is the main antagonist of this animated series. He’s some kind of schizonous demon from another Universe, trying to slightly modify our world. As for me, this is the best antagonist ever existing in animated series. He did not appear so often in the cartoon, but when he appeared, he made a real sensation in the world of Gravity Falls.
So many different puzzles, secrets, a rather unusual ending and a bunch of easter eggs, that's why I love this animated series. And of course, wonderful memories of the summer, when in the same way, with my sister went to the village and looked for all sorts of secrets. And when I saw this animated series, my child’s soul began to play, oh, and until the summer for a long time ...
Conclusion: A great animated series for family viewing. Believe and kids will like it and adults will have something to dig for themselves.