Stan qui tient un calendrier de 2012
Vous retrouverez ici la chronologie des événements de Gravity Falls. La série prend place en 2012.
TRADUCTION EN COURS - 09/02/2018[]
Traduction des sources - Fini 10/02/2018
Date | Événement | Source |
c. 65 million BCE | Dipper et Mabel voyagent dans le temps et sont presque mangés par un dinosaure. | "Le Gardien du temps" |
c. 30 million BCE | Une soucoupe volante s'écrase sur la Terre, formant la vallée de Gravity Falls. | Gravity Falls: Journal n°3 |
c. 1000 CE | La première population de Gravity Falls évacue la vallée par crainte d'être maudit, laissant derrière elle poteries, couvertures et vestiges de leur langue. Dans le Journal 3, Ford mentionne que certaines de leurs œuvres d'art portent des représentations de Bill Cipher. | Gravity Falls: Journal n°3 |
1837 | Quentin Trembley remporte la 9e élection présidentielle aux États-Unis d'Amérique en pleine ébullition. | "Complot pour les idiots" |
18 Juin 1842 | Quentin Trembley, le 8,5ème président des États-Unis, découvre la vallée de Gravity Falls et fonde la ville. | "Complot pour les idiots" |
1850 | Gravity Falls a eu une "ruée vers la flanelle", moins connu que la ruée vers l'or. | Gravity Falls: Journal n°3 |
1851 | Les mineurs de Gravity Falls trouvent des "bêtes préhistoriques", ce qui entraîne l'abandon des mines. | Gravity Falls: Journal n°3 |
1862 | Mabel et Dipper remontent 150 ans dans le temps. Ils rencontrent Fertilia et sa famille qui voyagent sur le sentier de l'Oregon. Nathaniel Northwest est considéré comme le fondateur de Gravity Falls, et incite les habitants à construire le Manoir Northwest en leur promessessant d'entrer dans le manoir pour célébrer avec eux une fête annuelle. | "Le Gardien du temps", "Le Fantôme des Northwest" |
1863 | Construction of Northwest Manor is completed, and the townsfolk and lumberjack involved in its construction are denied entry to the first Northwest Fest. The head lumberjack, Archibald Corduroy, subsequently dies in the Great Flood, moments after cursing the Northwest Family. | Gravity Falls: Journal n°3 |
1883 | To escape imprisonment, Blendin Blandin travels back in time to live as a 19th century pocket watch repairman, inadvertantly instigating the Great Train Crash of '83 by distracting a passing train conductor with his time machine. | Gravity Falls: Journal n°3 |
1885 | The birth of someone who is eventually buried in Gravity Falls Cemetery. (Died 1959) | "Le philtre d'amour" |
1908 | The birth of someone who is eventually buried in Gravity Falls Cemetery. (Died 1972) | "Le philtre d'amour" |
c. 1909 | Eustace Huckabone Befufftlefumpter is born. | "Le Fantôme des Northwest" |
1920 | Gravity Falls' current mayor places a prohibition on maple syrup, leading to the creation of Pancake Speakeasies by town residents. | Gravity Falls: Journal n°3 |
1937 | Amelia Earhart allegedly escapes into the Gravity Falls forests following the crashing of her plane into the surrounding mountains. | Gravity Falls: Journal n°3 |
1947 | An unidentified flying object heading east is sighted over the town, and Sprott's father claims to have shot it with his shotgun. | Gravity Falls: Journal n°3 |
June 15 Late 1940s - early 1950s |
Twin brothers Stanley and Stanford Pines are born in Glass Shard Beach, New Jersey. |
"Le secret de Stan" |
1959 | The death of someone who is eventually buried in Gravity Falls Cemetery. (Born 1885) | "Le philtre d'amour" |
Late 1950s – early 1960s | Filbrick Pines enrolls his sons in boxing lessons to teach them self-defense against bullies. | "Quand Gidéon passe..." |
Early 1960s | Stan and Ford start rebuilding an old ship they found in a cave. Train parts are salvaged from the Great Crash wreckage and are used to house the Greasy's Diner restaurant. |
"Le secret de Stan" Gravity Falls: Journal n°3 |
Late 1960s – early 1970s | Stan's boxing skills help him save Carla McCorkle from a robbery. Their relationship takes off. | "Quand Gidéon passe..." |
1970s | Carla leaves Stan for Thistle Downe. | "Mes idoles sont des clones !" |
Early 1970s | The Pines family disowns Stanley after his accidental destruction of Stanford's science project costs them potential millions. After being rejected from West Coast Tech, Ford enrolls in Backupsmore University. |
"Le secret de Stan" |
1971 | The death of someone who is eventually buried in Gravity Falls Cemetery (who was born in 1889). | "Le philtre d'amour" |
1972 | The death of someone who is eventually buried in Gravity Falls Cemetery (Born 1908) | "Le philtre d'amour" |
1972–1982 | Stan Pines, now a drifter, tries his hand at solo treasure hunting. It goes about as well as could be expected. Dipper and Mabel time travel, ending up in front of the Mystery Shack and almost getting seen by Ford. Stan travels in and out of the United States in this time as a salesman and moderately successful conman. Among his lineup are the "Shammy," the "Rip-Off," and the "Stan-Vac." He also goes to prison at least 3 times. |
"Le secret de Stan", "Le Gardien du temps" |
c. 1973 | Ford is accepted into a doctoral program three years ahead of schedule. He receives a research grant of $100 thousand, for use in the field of his choice. | "Le secret de Stan" |
1974 | Ford begins to research Gravity Falls and documents his findings in Journal 1. | "Le Zombie de ma sœur", "Le secret de Stan" |
1980 | Ford finds the cave drawings that depict Bill Cipher and summons him, hoping he will give him the answers to the mysteries of Gravity Falls. Ford and Bill become partners and start work together. | "La dernière Mabelicorne" |
June 18, 1980 | Ford begins to write Journal 3, six years since beginning of his research on Gravity Falls. | "Le Zombie de ma sœur" |
August 3, 1981 - July 17, 1981 | Ford begins his investigation on the Northwests, as well as the Great Flood of 1863, spends two nights in Manly Dan's cabin and receives the blueprints for the portal from Bill. | Gravity Falls: Journal n°3 |
July 18, 1981 | Ford asks Fiddleford McGucket to visit him in Gravity Falls, to help him with building the portal. | Gravity Falls: Journal n°3 |
July 29, 1981 - January 16 1982 | McGucket arrives in Gravity Falls. Ford and McGucket take a several day long hike to scavenge technology from Crash Site Omega, discovering several new oddities along the way. On their way back into town, McGucket is captured by the Gremloblin. Haunted by this experience, McGucket creates the Memory Gun. Ford and McGucket visit a carnival, and the Hand Witch tells Ford's future. McGucket begins the construction of the bunker. Ford discovers the Shapeshifter while excavating, and begins to experiment on him. Eventually, they have to freeze him, after attacking McGucket. Ford allows Bill to take over his body whenever he so pleases. |
Gravity Falls: Journal n°3 |
January 17, 1982 | McGucket asks Ford not to continue on with his his plan to activate the project, and instead publish his already existing research. Ford declines. | Gravity Falls: Journal n°3 |
January 18 | Ford and McGucket test the portal. Due to an accident, Fiddleford gets sucked into it and reveals there is a nightmare realm on the other side, but Ford rescues him. | Gravity Falls: Journal n°3, "Le secret de Stan", "La société de l’œil immaculé" |
1982 | Fiddleford McGucket leaves Ford's project and founds the Blind Eye Society. His mind begins to deteriorate due to repeated use of his memory erasing gun. Ford grows increasingly paranoid about Bill, and shuts down the portal. He begins writing in invisible ink. Eventually, Ford sends Stan a postcard, and hopes that with his help, he can hide the journals. After a fight with his brother, Ford is sucked into an alternate dimension. Stan Pines starts running the Mystery Shack. The Government takes notice of some odd readings in Gravity Falls, Oregon. |
"Le secret de Stan", "Joueurs compulsifs", "La société de l’œil immaculé" |
1989 | The birth of someone who is buried in Gravity Falls Cemetery (who died in 1971). | "Le philtre d'amour" |
July 13, 1990 | Jesus "Soos" Alzamirano Ramirez is born. | "Gladiateurs du Futur" |
1991 | The controversial 1991-1992 edition of Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons is released. | "Joueurs compulsifs" |
1990–95 | Jeffy Fresh, Byrone, and Rosie are living in Gravity Falls. |
"La Supérette fantôme", "Un drôle d'Halloween" |
May 2, 1995 | Ma and Pa Duskerton die, assuming the newspapers weren't replaced after their death. | "La Supérette fantôme" |
August 1996 – May 1997 | Wendy Corduroy is born.[1][2] | "L'armée de Dipper" |
1997 | There is a costume store in the area the Mystery Shack is located, possibly part of the Mystery Shack itself. | "Le Gardien du temps" |
1998–99 | Marius von Fundshauser is born. | "Le Fantôme des Northwest" |
August 31, 1999[3][4] | Twins Mabel and Dipper Pines are born. | "La Supérette fantôme", "Dipper et Mabel contre l'avenir" |
June – July 2002 | Gideon Gleeful is born. | "Gladiateurs du Futur" |
July 13, 2002 | Soos turns twelve, and comes to the realization that his father is not coming back to see him. Soos begins to work at the Mystery Shack. | "Gladiateurs du Futur" |
2002 | The wax figures are put into storage. | "Le Musée de cire", "Gladiateurs du Futur" |
October 10, 2006 | Dipper and Mabel are in 2nd grade. There is photo day at their school. | "Imaginaire contre réalité" |
c. 2009 | Mabel wins first place in a junior mini-golf competition.
Robbie gets his hoodie in 7th grade. |
"Mini Golf, Maxi Teignes",
"Conquête et Reconquête" |
February 14, 2009 | Dipper and Mabel are in fourth grade. Dipper doesn't get any Valentines and gets teased. However, Mabel gives him some of her Valentines. | "Imaginaire contre réalité" |
≈2011 | Soos predicts Duck-tective to have a secret twin brother. | "Joueurs compulsifs" |
May-June 1st, 2012 | Dipper discovers Journal 3. | Gravity Falls: Journal n°3 |
June 1–3, 2012[5] | The latter events of "Tourist Trapped" and the events of "The Legend of the Gobblewonker" take place. | Gravity Falls: Journal n°3 |
June 7[6] | The Unveiling of the Wax Museum of Mystery takes place. | "Le Musée de cire", Gravity Falls: Journal n°3 |
June 8-9[7] | The latter events of "Headhunters" take place. Dipper chases Wax Larry King's head in the vents. |
"Le Musée de cire", Gravity Falls: Journal n°3 |
June 10-13[8] | The events of "The Hand that Rocks the Mabel" take place. | Gravity Falls: Journal n°3 |
June 13-14[9] | The events of "The Inconveniencing" take place. | Gravity Falls: Journal n°3 |
June 14-18[10] | The events of "Double Dipper" and "Irrational Treasure" take place. | Gravity Falls: Journal n°3 |
June 16, 2012 | Opening day of Pony Heist. The Pines and Soos go to the movies. | "Les Mystères de Gravity Falls - Les resquilleurs" |
June 20, 2012 | Dipper takes a closeup photo of Stan's partial tattoo. | "Anomalie #23 : le tatouage secret d'oncle Stan" |
June 18-21[11] | The events of "The Time Traveler's Pig" through "Little Dipper" take place. | Gravity Falls: Journal n°3 |
June 22, 2012 | Gravity Falls celebrates Summerween, and the events of "Summerween" occur. | "Un drôle d'Halloween" |
June 23, 2012 | Dipper takes a photo of Stan's back and partial tattoo. Stan notices. | "Anomalie #23 : le tatouage secret d'oncle Stan" |
June 25, 2012 | Dipper takes another photo of Stan's back and partial tattoo. | "Anomalie #23 : le tatouage secret d'oncle Stan" |
July 3, 2012 | The due date for TK618 to be returned to the Gravity Falls Library. | "Anomalie #23 : le tatouage secret d'oncle Stan" |
July 5-11[12] | The events of "Boss Mabel" through "Land Before Swine" take place. | Gravity Falls: Journal n°3 |
July 11-15[13] | Stan steals a dinosaur egg and it hatches at the shack. | Gravity Falls: Journal n°3 |
July 13, 2012 | The events of "Blendin's Game" take place. (Note: due to a continuity error, this episode is said to take place on different dates in the series and in Journal 3.) | "Gladiateurs du Futur" |
July 15-21[14] | The events of "Dreamscaperers" through "Scary-oke" take place. | Gravity Falls: Journal n°3 |
July 21-23[15] | The events of "Into the Bunker" take place. | Gravity Falls: Journal n°3 |
July 23-July 29[16] | The events of "The Golf War" through "Soos and the Real Girl" take place. | Gravity Falls: Journal n°3 |
July 29-August 22[17] | The events of "Society of the Blind Eye" through "Roadside Attraction" take place.
(Note: due to a continuity error, "Blendin's Game" is said to take place on different dates in the series and in Journal 3.) |
Gravity Falls: Journal n°3 |
August 22, 2012 | The events of "Dipper and Mabel vs. the Future" take place. | "Dipper et Mabel contre l'avenir" |
August 22 – 25, 2012 | Weirdmageddon takes place. | "Il faut sauver Mabel", "Imaginaire contre réalité", "Conquête et Reconquête" |
August 26, 2012 | The town starts recovering from Weirdmageddon. The Mystery Shack gets reconstructed. Stan recovers his memories with the help of Mabel's scrapbook and old home movies of Ford and Stan's childhood. Soos finds the Journals in the woods unharmed. | Gravity Falls: Journal n°3 |
August 31, 2012 | Dipper and Mabel celebrate their 13th birthday with all of the townsfolk at the Mystery Shack, Stan Pines retires and gives ownership of the Mystery Shack to Soos. The family decides to throw the journals into the Bottomless Pit. | "Conquête et Reconquête", Gravity Falls: Journal n°3 |
September 1, 2012 | Dipper and Mabel leave Gravity Falls for Piedmont, California. | "Conquête et Reconquête" |
3012 | The predicted end of the world. | "Anomalie #54 : la boîte aux lettres" |
207̃012 | The year Blendin Blandin is from. Blendin is sent to Infinetentiary, then escapes. He invokes Globnar against the Pines twins. |
"Le Gardien du temps", "Gladiateurs du Futur" |
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